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Why Obsidian is the Best Free Alternative to Evernote and Notion: A Review of Free Note-Taking Apps and Open Source Solutions

In the world of free note-taking apps, Evernote and Notion have long stood at the forefront. However, with the increasing popularity of open source note-taking solutions, Evernote alternatives and apps like Notion are gaining significant attention.
Among these, Obsidian shines as a robust, flexible, and completely free tool that offers an impressive array of features. In this comprehensive review, we’ll delve into why Obsidian is the best free alternative to Evernote and Notion, and how it compares with other free online notebooks and free notepads.

The Rise of Open Source Note-Taking Apps

The demand for free note-taking apps has spurred innovation in the field of open source note-taking. Unlike proprietary software, open-source tools are developed collaboratively, allowing users to customize them to fit their specific needs.
Obsidian, a free Obsidian solution, exemplifies this trend by offering a powerful and user-friendly platform for capturing and organizing information.

Obsidian vs Evernote and NotionWhat Makes Obsidian Unique?

Obsidian is more than just a free notepad. It leverages the power of Markdown to create a seamless writing experience, allowing users to focus on content rather than formatting. Here are some key features that set Obsidian apart:
Local Storage and Privacy
One of the most significant advantages of Obsidian is its use of local storage. Unlike cloud-based free apps like Notion, Obsidian stores all notes on your device. This not only enhances privacy but also ensures you have access to your notes even without an internet connection. In a world increasingly concerned with data security, this feature is a major plus.
Graph View
Obsidian’s Graph View is a visual representation of your notes and their interconnections. This feature is particularly useful for seeing how different ideas are linked, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. No other Evernote similar apps offer such an intuitive visualization tool. This can be especially beneficial for researchers, writers, and anyone dealing with complex information networks.
As an open source note-taking app, Obsidian allows extensive customization through plugins and themes. Users can tailor the app to their workflow, making it a versatile option among Evernote alternatives. Whether you need a minimalist setup for basic notes or a complex environment for project management, Obsidian can adapt to meet your needs.
Rich Plugin Ecosystem
Obsidian boasts a rich ecosystem of community-developed plugins that extend its functionality. From calendar integrations to task management tools, these plugins make Obsidian a robust free online notebook. The community is active and constantly developing new plugins, ensuring that the app evolves and improves over time.

Comparing Obsidian to Evernote and Notion

While Evernote and Notion are popular, they come with limitations that Obsidian effectively addresses. Let’s compare these tools based on several criteria:

Ease of Use

Evernote is known for its simplicity, making it easy to capture and organize notes. Notion, while powerful, can be overwhelming for new users due to its extensive features.
Obsidian strikes a balance, offering a user-friendly interface that grows with you as your needs become more complex. The learning curve is manageable, and the benefits of mastering the tool are substantial.

Data Ownership and Privacy

Both Evernote and Notion store data in the cloud, raising concerns about data privacy and ownership. Obsidian’s local storage model ensures that your data remains private and under your control, a crucial feature for users concerned about security.
This is especially important in professional settings where sensitive information is often handled.


Evernote offers a free Evernote plan, but it is limited in terms of features and storage. Notion also provides a free tier, but advanced features require a subscription.
Obsidian, on the other hand, is entirely free with no hidden costs, making it an attractive Notion replacement. This makes it an excellent choice for students, freelancers, and anyone on a budget.

Functionality and Flexibility

While Notion excels in flexibility, allowing users to create databases, wikis, and more, it can be overkill for those who need a straightforward note-taking app. Evernote offers robust organizational features but lacks the deep linking capabilities of Obsidian.
Obsidian combines the best of both worlds, providing powerful note-taking and organizational tools without overwhelming the user. Its flexibility allows for a wide range of uses, from simple to-do lists to detailed research projects.

Why Choose Obsidian Over Other Free Note-Taking Apps?

With so many free apps like Evernote and free apps like Notion available, why should you choose Obsidian? Here are a few compelling reasons:

Active Community and Development

Obsidian has a vibrant community of users and developers constantly contributing to its growth. This means that the app is continually improving and evolving, with new features and plugins being added regularly. The developers are responsive to feedback, ensuring that user needs are met promptly.


Whether you’re a student, researcher, writer, or professional, Obsidian can adapt to your needs. Its ability to handle various types of content, from simple text notes to complex knowledge bases, makes it a versatile tool. This adaptability ensures that Obsidian remains useful regardless of how your requirements change over time.


Obsidian is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform availability ensures that you can access your notes regardless of the device you’re using. Additionally, mobile versions of Obsidian are in development, further extending its accessibility.

Open Source Benefits

As an open source note-taking app, Obsidian benefits from the collective input of its users. This collaborative approach results in a more secure, reliable, and feature-rich application compared to proprietary software. Users can contribute to the codebase, suggest features, and create plugins, making Obsidian a community-driven project.


In the realm of free note-taking apps, Obsidian emerges as a leading contender. Its unique blend of privacy, customizability, and functionality makes it a superior choice among Evernote alternatives and apps like Notion.
Whether you’re looking for a free online notebook or a free notepad, Obsidian offers a compelling, free solution that meets diverse needs. Embrace the power of Obsidian FOSS and discover why it’s the best Notion replacement on the market today.
By choosing Obsidian, you not only gain a powerful tool for note-taking but also join a community dedicated to open-source principles and continuous improvement. The benefits of Obsidian go beyond its immediate features, offering long-term value through its adaptability, privacy-focused design, and active development. For anyone seeking a reliable and feature-rich note-taking app, Obsidian is the clear choice.

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