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Obsidian for Writers: How to Use the App for Planning, Writing, and Editing Your Next Book Using Note Taking for Writers and Book Notes App Features

Writing a book is a monumental task that requires meticulous planning, extensive note-taking, and rigorous editing. Fortunately, technology has evolved to offer powerful tools that can streamline this process.

One such tool is Obsidian, a versatile note-taking app that caters to various needs, including note taking for writers, note taking for coding, and even DnD note taking. In this article, we will explore how you can use Obsidian to plan, write, and edit your next book efficiently.

Why Choose Obsidian?

Obsidian stands out among other aesthetic note taking apps and minimalist note apps due to its unique features. It is a private notes app that prioritizes user privacy with encrypted notes.

This ensures that your intellectual property is secure. Additionally, Obsidian’s linking system allows you to create a web of interconnected notes, making it ideal for complex projects like book writing.

Obsidian for WritersPlanning Your Book with Obsidian

The first step in writing a book is planning. Obsidian’s flexibility and powerful organizational tools make it an excellent choice for this phase.

Creating an Outline

Start by creating a high-level outline of your book. Use Obsidian’s markdown capabilities to structure your chapters and sections. This will give you a clear roadmap of your writing journey. Break down each chapter into sections and bullet points, detailing the main events, character developments, and key points you want to cover. This organized structure will serve as a blueprint for your writing process.

Research and Notes

For book notes app features, Obsidian excels with its ability to handle extensive research. You can create separate notes for different topics, characters, and settings, and then link them to your main outline. This keeps all your research easily accessible and interconnected.

Use tags to categorize your notes, making it simple to retrieve specific information when needed. For example, tag character notes with the character’s name, and scene notes with their locations or events. This functionality exemplifies the efficiency of obsidian book notes in organizing and managing your research materials.

Using Templates

Obsidian allows you to create templates, which can be a huge time-saver. Create a template for character profiles, scene descriptions, or research notes. This ensures consistency and saves time in the long run.

Each template can include predefined fields for essential information, such as a character’s background, motivations, and conflicts. By using these templates, you maintain uniformity and ensure that no critical details are overlooked.

Writing with Obsidian

Once your planning is complete, it’s time to start writing. Obsidian’s distraction-free environment is perfect for this phase.

Distraction-Free Writing

As one of the best minimalist note apps, Obsidian offers a clean and distraction-free interface. You can write in full-screen mode, which helps you focus solely on your writing without any interruptions.

This environment mimics the simplicity of a traditional word processor while providing advanced organizational features. Use Obsidian’s dark mode to reduce eye strain during long writing sessions, ensuring you remain comfortable and productive.

Note Linking

Use Obsidian’s unique note-linking feature to connect different parts of your manuscript. This is especially useful for tracking plot points, character arcs, and themes throughout your book.

For example, if a character’s motivation is revealed in multiple scenes, link those notes together. This creates a network of related ideas that you can easily navigate, ensuring consistency and depth in your writing.

Version Control

Obsidian’s version control allows you to track changes over time. This is invaluable for editing, as you can easily revert to previous versions of your manuscript if needed.

Regularly create snapshots of your work to preserve different stages of your writing. This not only helps in maintaining backups but also provides a history of your progress, which can be motivating and insightful.

Editing Your Book with Obsidian

Editing is a crucial part of the writing process, and Obsidian offers several features that make it easier.

Tagging and Metadata

Use tags and metadata to categorize and organize your notes. This makes it easy to track different elements of your book, such as themes, settings, and characters. During the editing process, tags can help you identify recurring themes and ensure that they are developed consistently throughout your manuscript.

Additionally, metadata fields can store information like word counts, deadlines, and revision dates, keeping your project organized and on track.


Obsidian’s backlinking feature allows you to see all notes that link to a particular note. This is useful for identifying and resolving plot inconsistencies or ensuring character development is consistent.

For instance, if you change a character’s background, backlinks help you quickly locate and update all related notes, maintaining coherence across your manuscript.


Although primarily a private notes app, Obsidian also supports collaboration through plugins. You can share your notes with beta readers or co-authors, making the editing process more collaborative.

This feature enables real-time feedback and suggestions, facilitating a more dynamic and interactive editing process. Use collaborative notes to gather input, track changes, and discuss ideas, ensuring that your manuscript benefits from multiple perspectives.

Using Obsidian for Different Writing Needs

Obsidian is not just for book writers. It is also a powerful tool for other types of writing and note-taking.

Note Taking for Coding

For developers, Obsidian offers features specifically for note taking for coding. You can organize code snippets, document your projects, and link related notes, making it a great tool for technical writing.

Create a structured repository of your code, complete with comments and explanations, to ensure that your projects are well-documented and easy to maintain.

DnD Note Taking

If you are a Dungeon Master, Obsidian is perfect for DnD note taking. You can create detailed campaign notes, link characters, plot points, and world-building elements, and even use obsidian for DnD to keep everything organized.

Develop comprehensive lore, track character progression, and plan intricate story arcs, ensuring your Dungeons & Dragons campaign is immersive and well-structured.

Students and Academic Writing

Obsidian is also ideal for students. While many might use notion for students, Obsidian offers a more flexible and powerful note-taking environment. Create detailed lecture notes, organize research materials, and link related topics to develop a comprehensive understanding of your subjects.

Similarly, writers who use notion for writers will find that Obsidian’s features cater specifically to their needs, providing a robust platform for academic and creative writing.


Obsidian is a powerful tool for writers looking to streamline their writing process. From planning and research to writing and editing, Obsidian offers a range of features that make it an excellent choice for note taking for writers. Whether you’re a novelist, a coder, or a Dungeon Master, Obsidian has the tools you need to succeed.

Start using Obsidian today and transform your writing process into a seamless and productive experience. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, Obsidian is poised to become an indispensable part of your writing toolkit, helping you bring your creative visions to life.

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