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From Notion to Obsidian: How I Switched to a New Note-Taking App and Improved My Workflow with Obsidian Project Management

Switching from one note taking app to another can be a daunting task, especially when you’ve invested significant time and effort into your current system. However, after years of using Notion, I decided to transition to Obsidian.
This switch not only improved my productivity but also enhanced my project management capabilities. In this article, I’ll share my journey from Notion to Obsidian and explain how Obsidian project management has become a game-changer for my workflow.

The Decision to Switch from Notion to Obsidian

I have been a long-time user of Notion, a powerful notion platform that combines notes, databases, and task management into one cohesive tool. Despite its versatility, I found myself craving a more streamlined and robust solution for managing my projects and ideas. This led me to explore Obsidian, a markdown-based notes app that emphasizes knowledge management and interlinked notes.

Why Not Notion, Evernote, or OneNote?

Before diving into Obsidian, it’s important to understand why I felt the need to move away from Notion. While Notion is excellent for creating structured and visual documents, it can become overwhelming due to its vast array of features. I wanted a more focused tool that prioritized writing and linking notes organically.

I also considered other popular note taking apps like Evernote and OneNote. Evernote is a veteran in the notepad app space, known for its powerful search capabilities and easy-to-use interface. However, it lacks the flexibility and customization that I needed. OneNote, part of the Microsoft suite, offers great integration with other Microsoft products but felt too rigid for my liking.

Exploring Obsidian: A Paradigm Shift

Obsidian caught my attention with its unique approach to note-taking. Unlike traditional online notes apps, Obsidian treats each note as a standalone markdown file, allowing for greater flexibility and control. The core feature that sold me on Obsidian was its ability to create a network of interconnected notes, which mimics the way our brain naturally processes information.

Transitioning from Notion to Obsidian

The transition from Notion to Obsidian was not without challenges. Here’s how I managed to make the switch effectively.

Exporting Notes from Notion

The first step was to export my notes from Notion. Fortunately, Notion allows users to export their content in markdown format, which is compatible with Obsidian. I exported my entire Notion workspace and organized the markdown files into folders that mirrored my existing structure.

Setting Up Obsidian

Setting up Obsidian was straightforward. After installing the notebook app, I imported my markdown files and began organizing them using Obsidian’s powerful linking and tagging features. The initial setup took some time, but the payoff was immediate. My notes were now interconnected, and I could easily navigate between related ideas and projects.

Customizing the Workflow

One of the significant advantages of Obsidian is its customization options. I installed various plugins to enhance my workflow, such as calendar integration for task management, and advanced search capabilities. This allowed me to tailor Obsidian to my specific needs, something that was harder to achieve with Notion. Additionally, I incorporated IA Writer for focused writing tasks that required a distraction-free environment.

Benefits of Using Obsidian for Project Management

Switching to Obsidian brought several benefits, particularly in terms of project management.

Enhanced Task Management

With Obsidian task management, I could create task lists within my notes and link them to relevant projects. This interconnected approach ensured that no task was isolated, providing a holistic view of my projects.

Improved Knowledge Retention

The ability to link notes in Obsidian improved my knowledge retention. By creating a web of interconnected notes, I could see the relationships between different ideas and concepts, leading to better understanding and recall.

Flexibility and Control

Obsidian offered unparalleled flexibility and control over my notes. Unlike web-based note taking apps like Notion io or Google Keep, Obsidian stores notes locally, giving me peace of mind regarding data security and offline access.

Comparing Obsidian with Other Note-Taking Apps

It’s essential to compare Obsidian with other popular note taking apps to understand its unique advantages.

Obsidian vs. Notion

While Notion excels in database management and visual organization, Obsidian stands out for its focus on linking and knowledge management. For users who prioritize interconnected notes and markdown simplicity, Obsidian is a superior choice. The Notion software is highly versatile, but Obsidian’s unique approach to note linking offers a different level of depth.

Obsidian vs. Evernote

Evernote is a robust notepad app with excellent search capabilities, but it lacks the flexibility of Obsidian. Obsidian allows for more customization and control, making it better suited for users who want to tailor their note-taking experience.

Obsidian vs. OneNote

OneNote integrates well with other Microsoft products, making it ideal for users within the Microsoft ecosystem. However, Obsidian’s local storage and markdown format offer greater flexibility and offline access, which can be critical for users who prioritize data control and customization.

Obsidian vs. Google Keep

Google Keep is a lightweight notes app perfect for quick note-taking. However, it lacks the depth and advanced features of Obsidian. For users who need more than just simple note-taking, Obsidian provides a comprehensive solution.


Switching from Notion to Obsidian was a transformative experience for my workflow. The ability to create a network of interconnected notes and the enhanced project management capabilities of Obsidian have significantly improved my productivity.

While Notion, Evernote, OneNote, and Google Keep each have their strengths, Obsidian stands out as a powerful note taking app that caters to users who need flexibility, control, and a focus on knowledge management.

If you’re considering a switch or looking for a new notes app, Obsidian is worth exploring. The notion tool and notion program are highly effective, but Obsidian offers a unique approach that may better suit your needs.

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